Things Jamaicans don’t understand..

    As most of you know, I’m from Jamaica. The fact that I was raised here doesn’t mean that I fully understand some American’s “habits.” As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that there are certain things about Yanks that I’ll just never understand. I realize that this is a cultural difference, but maybe, just maybe you can … Continue reading

Saturday Mornings. . .

     Cold fronts are great! Memory Lane is getting a little chilly. We can still take a stroll though.         When I was younger, Saturday mornings were the day that we waited the whole week for. It was the morning when you could wake up at any time because there was no school. Also, waking up at … Continue reading

I got a story to tell..

    “Duppy know who fi frighten…”                                       – Jamaican Proverb-    Basically, in patois (“Jamaican talk” for you Yanks) the above proverb means that ghosts will always know who to frighten. They will always know who they can bother, who is their easiest prey. As I’ve grown up with this proverb, it has also meant that … Continue reading

The “non-post” post. . .

   So here’s today’s deal. I did Monday and Wednesday’s post over the weekend. I was very excited about this because I am always running around like a chicken with its head cut off looking for something to write about. I scheduled the posts to automatically go up and called it “done.”    Monday’s post … Continue reading

I’m not Sorry. . .

    I’d like to think that we’re all logical people. However, I understand that there might be some differences that cause us to fight banter back and forth. But for the most part, we’re all grown, ain’t we?    I say that to lead me to this point: “I’m grown. I’m a grown woman. I … Continue reading